Enerlight has been a leading Energy Efficient Service Provider with the regional utilities since the inception of the lighting incentive programs (2008). We have participated in numerous roundtable discussions molding the programs to where they are today. The following are the incentive programs that we would be able to source to maximize the rebates for our clients:
ComEd Incentives
To encourage your business to take advantage of energy-efficient lighting upgrades, commercial, industrial and public-sector clients can receive cash-back incentives from ComEd for the implementation of an energy-savings lighting upgrade project. This program helps defray the upfront costs of the upgrade, improving the overall ROI of the project and making it more advantageous to your bottom line.
EPAct 2005 Tax Deduction
EPAct 2005 provision allows for tax deductions of up to $0.60 per square foot for commercial and industrial building which invest in energy efficient lighting systems. Enerlight is qualified to prepare all paperwork associated with obtaining this tax deduction. Private commercial and industrial clients would be eligible for this deduction.
ComEd Small Business Program
Incentive program for small businesses in the 0 – 100 KW electrical usage. This program is tailored towards upgrading numerous electrical systems within a small commercial or industrial facility. Enerlight has been a qualified Energy Efficient Service Provider for the ComEd® Energy Efficiency Program small business offering since its inception.
ComEd Multi-Family Property Incentives
Incentives are available for property owners and managers of multi-tenant residential buildings for energy-savings measures installed in common areas. There are several programs available, including programs for income-eligible properties and Illinois-designated Public Housing Authority properties in the ComEd territory. Enerlight is a Energy Efficient Service Provider for all of ComEd’s multi-family programs.
ComEd Small Facilities Public Sector Program
Enerlight is proud to be an approved Service Provider for public sector entities with 0-100KW electrical usage. This program offers robust incentives for measures that reduce energy usage while improving productivity and comfort. Federal, state and local governments, municipal corporations, public school districts, community colleges, public libraries, park districts and more all qualify for this program.